Loss is Gain

Recently I lost a very close family member, she died right in front of me.  I had never experienced pain like this before.  She had been such an inspiration to my life. I remember how she enjoyed life so. She would tell me stories of when she was a young girl and when she became a wife and mother. You could see in her face how much she loved her grandchildren.  She enjoyed living and understood the value of the moment.

When we discovered she had cancer it was a great shock to everyone. I remember the look on her face and hearing her say that she never thought she would die like this. I remember her tears when she thought about the pain she would have to endure before she finally passed on.

I remember her last days and what I remember most is how she enjoyed the simple things. She would light up if you mentioned Starbucks or Ice cream.  She loved to read long novels and she was writing a book of memoirs.  Her last week on earth was the most difficult. She was beginning to lose her eyesight and it was becoming difficult to formulate complete thoughts. There were times when her legs would go completely cold and she wouldn’t be able to stand on her own.

I read Qur-an and prayed over her just before she died.  I feel pleasure and peace knowing she passed away shortly after acknowledging how much she loved God.

I’ve gained so much knowing this woman. She has utterly and completely blessed my life.  If Allah should allow me to live as long as she, I too wish to someday mean as much to someone.

Rest in Peace “Marjorie T Brown”

Staying Current.

stopwatchEach day I wake up I do a structured list of things that help me to remember who I am and stay on point.  This list is probably not so different from other people on this planet.  I however do these things as a reminder that I must be a responsible and disciplined  individual. This list of objectives also keeps me current and up to date spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. If I didn’t regiment myself to following this simple list my life would be in disarray and I would live frivolously and I wouldn’t  appreciate life as I do now.

Following this list also helps me to remember to stay in touch with the World and the people on it.  I stay in touch with the World by doing my part to keep it clean and as unpolluted as I possibly can.  I love this place and I would hate to see it destroyed for lack of care on my part. I also like to stay in tune with the human condition around the Globe because weather we want to believe it or not we are all connected and affected by one another.

Below I list some of the things I do daily and some links to keep you up on the World’s condition. I pray that if you’re not motivated already that this will help you to become motivated.staying current.PNG

God bless

1. When I wake up I thank God then I clean myself so I will be able to pray.


2. I make salah(prayer)

3.  I look over my family and wish them a pleasing and productive day.


4. I eat healthy and drink lots of water.


5. I exercise my body and mind.

6.  I go over my daily  business schedule so I can be punctual as possible.


7. I follow up on any old business before moving on to new business.


8. I recycle anything that can be recycled.recycle_earth.jpg


9. I read current news on currency, technology, politics, health.




